Packing up Book 2 Printouts

When cleaning up all the printouts from making Back to the New Adventure, I thought I’d do a comparison to The Day the Pirates Went Mad. - #Back2tNewAdventure and #TDTPiratesWentMad - Boxes of printouts

I measured the amount of printouts for Book 1 back in 2021 and the height reached about 30cm, including the proof. Because Book 2 is a bit longer than The Day the Pirates Went Mad, I thought the height of the printouts would be higher too. I was surprised to find the printouts for Back to the New Adventure were less!

What does that mean? Was it easier to write the second book? Did I do less research? Less revision? That is difficult to judge. Even if I had all that context, two data points don’t make a trend. But I am going to predict from now that Book 3 will produce about another 30cm. 🙂

Stay tuned as I add extra materials to this website over the coming months.
