Educational Resources

Here are a number of educational resources related to the scenes and events in the books.

We will cover a variety of topic areas, such as: recipes, vocabulary, navigation, math, literature, ships, places, medicine, people, events, technology, and more.

Teacher’s Guides – guides to help inspire classroom and homeschool discussion and research activities related to the historical setting of the books.

STEM Activities – these STEM/STEAM activities are add-ons to the Teacher’s Guides, but they can also stand on their own. Activities include cooking/baking, solving navigation problems, laying on supplies, training with the cannons, constructing a model ship, acting out a scene from the story, and more!

Book Research – posts about some of the research that went into writing particular parts of the books. Includes the blog series “Behind the Line”.

Glossary – a listing of the naval and pirate-y terms and definitions as found in the books.

Story Timeline – the timeline of major story events paired with those from the real world that influenced Emma’s travels on the New Adventure.

Pirate Games – as part of our interest in pirates and the world they lived in, we have also created some education games and activities.