Our next book is getting close to release! I’ve received the final art from Jon Merchant – Yay! (here’s a peek at part of the back cover) And I’m now confident in the rest of the schedule to state not just the season, but also the month! 🙂
April will see the release of the eBook for The Day the Pirates Went Mad, shortly followed by the paperback.
Why this 2-step release? Well, it’s to give a few sharp-eyed folks a chance to spot any of those pesky *silly* errors that one sometimes find in books – a missing word, a letter dropped from a word, an extra word…things like that.
Also having the eBook come out first let’s us have an early release promotion for subscribers to our mailing list.
So if you want to be involved, or just want to get the eBook at an early release discount, make sure to subscribe.