Avast! We be ’bout to set off on a new voyage! An’ we need crew like you!

Fancy yerself a savvy reader of tales of olde? Our historical adventure novel is coming soon, and we need a few fine crew to inspect the ship closely afore setting sail, as it were. If yer eyes be skilled at finding errors in text just by readin’ perhaps you’d like to engage in our ‘novel’ bug hunt. (no editing exp. required!)
Sign yerself aboard & we’ll be sendin’ a signal soon enough on when & where ta set sail!
It feels like we were announcing the release of our boardgame, Pirate Pursuit – the Spanish Treasure Fleet, just the other day. But it’s actually been six months, and it’s time for our historical novel, The Day the Pirates Went Mad, to meet the world! 🙂
THE DAY THE PIRATES WENT MAD takes place at the turn of the 18th century and the Golden Age of Piracy is just around the corner. Follow the adventures of eleven-year-old Emma Sharpe as she learns to sail the sea, bonds with her shipmates, and then must save them all from a cursed pirate treasure before it’s too late!
WANTED: Novel Bugs!
Are you someone who notices missing or misspelled words as you read? Do you wonder sometimes “how did the editor miss *that*?” If you also enjoy historical fiction (involving pirates!), we want your help!
Help us raise the Quality Bar as far as it can go!
No later than April 7th, subscribers to our mailing list will receive an invitation to participate in our ‘Novel’ Bug Hunt & Giveaway!
Help us flush out any pesky, left-over editing issues before our paperback edition is released, and these words are set down permanently on paper.
Remember: No editing experience is required. Just read the story normally and if anything jumps out at you, let us know! 🙂
Why a Bug Hunt?
(1) We always like to give our subscribers an opportunity to get early access to our new releases (and at a discount!). (2) We also know that no matter how many reviews and how much internal testing one does, there will always be some issues that have escaped notice. And finally, (3) we wanted a reason to give away some signed books!
Releasing our ebook a bit earlier than our paperback lets us do all three of these things!
Reward for Finding the Bounty
Not the HMS Bounty of course! That’s a whole different story, in a totally different ocean, 85 years later! 😉
For our Novel Bug Hunt & Giveaway event, we will ship out a total of five (5) signed copies of the paperback. One for reporting issues in each of the following categories:
(1) Best Fix Required – the best “that wasn’t just a copy/paste/modify!” issue
(1) Silliest Thing Missed – the best “how did that get in there!” issue
(1) Worst Naval Faux Pas – a bonus category for those savvy with the world of sailing & early 18th century sailing in particular. The best broken description, reference, or vocabulary issue
Plus, we’ll do two (2) random draws against our subscriber list on the last day of the event. So just subscribing could get you a signed copy of The Day the Pirates Went Mad!
TLDR: Uncover Bugs in our Novel
In summary, if you would like early access to our ebook at big discount, you can also report any missed issues you find in hopes of a reward! Here’s how it works:
- Subscribe to get notified of the early release
- Get the ebook from Amazon for just 99¢ at anytime during the Novel Bug Hunt & Giveaway event. (that’s 67% off)
- Report any valid issues for the three specific reward categories (per above) by email to publishing@silverpath.com by the deadline date of April 18, 2021
- Ideally with “#TDTPiratesWentMad” in the subject line, and
- A screenshot of the page with the issue highlighted.
- Submissions for any of the reward categories will be evaluated in the order received, so be sure to submit your issues as you find them!
- Subscribers will be automatically entered into the random draw
Recommended format for submitting an issue:
In Chapter #, on page XX, “the broken text sample” should be “this corrected text”.
Here are some examples of real issues found in the last internal review:
- “New Adventure and” should be “New Adventure and” Italics went too far
- “,” should be “.” Why is there a comma at the end of this sentence?
- “master at arms” should be “master-at-arms” Hyphenate to be consistent with other cases
- “Why she was lying on her back?” should be “Why was she lying on her back?” Word order
- “allowing the helmsman pick out” should be “allowing the helmsman to pick out” Missing word
Important! Even if you don’t think you’ll want to participate in the bug hunt, you can still get the ebook at a big discount during this event. 🙂 So be sure to subscribe!